Saturday, July 9, 2011

A month? Really?

Sadly, it's been a month since I've updated the blog.  It's so hard to believe that a month has really gone by.
The move has happened.  We are now living with my father.  Honestly, most of the time it's okay but I definitely have my 'I want out of here now' moments.  We go back and forth on how long we really want to be here.  Obviously our ultimate goal is to buy a house before we consider adding a second child to our family.  We shall see.  Right now we still have a lot of settling and unpacking to do.

Emy is eight months old now.  It's hard to believe how fast the time is going by.  She's turning into a toddler and I'm so not ready.  Her grandpa bought her her first pair of shoes and they're adorable.  I'll have to post pictures soon.

I'm still trying to figure out what weekly blog features I want to introduce as well as creating headers for them.  Hopefully now that things are calming down I can get that up and running soon.

And I promise not to let a whole month go by before I post again.

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