Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Joys of Motherhood:

Having little tooth marks on my phone screen.
Seeing all the different positions my little munchkin sleeps in.
Hearing her sing (more of a babble/yell) during praise and worship or along with the radio in the car.
Getting slobbery CPR-like kisses.
The sweet conversations we have when she unlatches from nursing.
Sweet cuddles that make being up at odd hours of the night worth it.
The smiling face staring back at me after she has woken up from a good nap.
Her sweet little head laying on my shoulder.
Watching her learn and grow each day.
Seeing her personality emerge as she develops from a baby to a toddler.

...My sweet little 9mos old girl (yes she is 9mos already!  I can't believe it) is my world!

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