Saturday, May 7, 2011

11 Fun Things I Want to See or Do in our Current Duty Station...

Since my hubby is a Reservist, we don't really have a duty station.  Hubby is assigned a unit to drill with but he doesn't even have to live in the same state as his unit (since some do travel from other states to drill) we just happen to live close to his unit.  I have lived in three different states over the span of my life but my husband has always lived here in Middle Tennessee.  Well except for the three semesters he attended North Georgia College and State University.  Because we have yet to experience a military move, and may never have to experience a military move, I have chosen to post about the top 11 fun things I have done in my life.

1. Getting my tattoos.  Yes I have three tattoos and I would say it was fun to get them.  This picture is of me getting my second tattoo.

2. Getting married.  I really do believe that my wedding day was one of the best days of my life.  Even if it wasn't a conventional wedding.  Here is a picture from the ceremony.  There was no reception.

3. Taking weekend get-a-ways to Chattanooga with the Husband.  He actually proposed to me at Rock City.  Here is a picture of us the day he proposed but before the proposal.

4. Going to Sea World.  It was my first time in Orlando for hubby's Yellow Ribbon Ceremony.  The trip was also the weekend before I found out I was pregnant.  Here is a picture of Shamu.

5. Being Pregnant.  Some Women do not enjoy pregnancy but I did.  Here is a picture of me on my due date.  I had Emy five days later via induction cause my doctor said I couldn't be pregnant anymore.

6. Becoming a mother.  My daughter is only 6mos old but I have loved every moment of motherhood.  This picture was taken about five hours after delivery (around 3am).

7. Being a bridesmaid in my sister's wedding.  Here is a picture of all the bridesmaids.  I'm the one on the far right.

8. Going to the Renaissance Festival every year.  My husband and I have gone every year we have been together.  This picture is from 2009.  Hubby was home on R&R.  Yes I am in costume.  I didn't wear the costume last year because I was too pregnant for the corset and I won't being wearing the costume this year because corsets aren't nursing friendly lol.

9. Being Youth Staff at my church.  This is my Sunday School class from three years ago.  At the time, I taught the 9th grade class.

10. Participating in the Judgment.  For five years my church did a play for Halloween.  I was in the last four and for three of those I helped with makeup.  Both pictures are from the last Judgment.  The first picture isn't the best picture but its me and the person who played my husband.  I played an Army Wife whose husband didn't come home.  Yea it was hard.  Not to mention my real life soldier was deployed while I played that role.  The second picture is of me doing my 'play husband's' makeup.

11. And last but not least, I think being an Army Wife has been a fun experience.  It is definitely a once in a lifetime experience :)  This picture is the day my husband came home from his deployment (we've only had one so far).

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Jhona O. said...

I loved being pregnant too! It's such a special time and your daughter is precious. I am a bit envious of your being able to stay in one place:) We're really looking forward to the day we get to settle into a place and know that, Lord willing, it's for keeps. I LOVE going to Renaissance Festivals. It was one of our favorite things to do while stationed in Germany. I enjoyed visiting your blog today! Have a wonderful weekend! Happy Mother's Day!

Ralene said...

*sigh* I miss being near a Ren Fair. lol...

Unknown said...

I love your post! And OMG! Where do you live?! I'm in Nashville!

Danie Nicole said...

Jhona: Thank you! Yes staying in one place is nice. I really don't like moving (had some bad experiences as a kid). Happy Mother's Day to you too!

Ralene: I would miss it too!

Sarah: Thank you! I live in Murfreesboro (just off I24). Hubby drills in Nashville off White Bridge Rd.

Jessica S. said...

Great Moments!! Yes, we have four boys, it was a rough for each one (during the pregnancies) but I loved being pregnant too! Thank you for sharing.