Saturday, July 10, 2010


so it has been a really long time since i posted on here.  today i am leaving on vacation to visit family.  my family is looking forward to seeing my baby bump in person.  here are some other random updates...
the pregnancy is going well.  i am twenty-five weeks along now.  i only have two weeks left in my second trimester.  emy is definitely an active little one.  so far my body has handled pregnancy well.  i do have a lot of cramping and have already started having braxton hicks contractions but so far my doc says its pretty normal.
hubby finally heard back from the TSA (which he applied for in february) and had an interview and medical exam.  it could be another month before we hear anything else but it was good to at least move forward a couple of steps.
my first baby shower is scheduled for august 7th.  my sister is throwing it for me.  i am so excited!  and my second shower (thrown by my church) will be sometime in the last full week of august (either the 23rd or 27th).
and on a sadder note...i am pretty sure that i had announced my sister's pregnancy on here.  if not then i really have neglected this blog.  my sister was due january 7th but had a miscarriage that they discovered june 30th (when she would have been twelve weeks along) but they think her baby died three weeks before that.  she really is taking it well, all things considered.  they have a doctor's appointment this coming monday to discuss everything.  they plan to wait however long the doctor recommends and then will try again.  right now they have no reason to believe that she will not go on to carry a healthy pregnancy.
now it is time to get off here so i can eat breakfast, shower, and hit the road.  i hope everyone is having a wonderful summer!

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