Thursday, May 27, 2010

appointment number four:

we had our anatomy scan today and its a girl!  we got to see miss emberlynn today.  she is precious.  she kept wiggling and flipping.  she started out the ultrasound head down and ended up feet down literally sitting up in my uterus.  she's definitely an active little girl.  she weighs 9oz and is measuring two days ahead of schedule but they have no intention of changing my due date over a mere two days.  all seems to be well.  the cramping i've been having seems to be normal and nothing to worry about.  i just have to learn to take it easier on myself.  and i got the doc's approval on the trip we plan to take in july, i just have to get up every couple of hours and walk around (it will be a ten hour drive one way).  plus we registered today.  hubby thought it was going to be horrible but at the end he said he was glad i had a plan.  i had been looking at stuff online pretty much since we found out i was pregnant so i had most things narrowed down.  all in all, its been a good day.

side note: i have created a blog that will be a diary to my dear little emy.  i do not plan to make it public so if you would like access to it, please leave your email address as a comment to this post so i can add you to the list of allowed readers.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Congrats on the little girl! Girls are sooo much fun!
I love her name too =)