Sunday, February 23, 2014

It's Make or Break Time...

This blog has set very neglected for far too long.  It's time for that to change.  I know I've made similar statements in the past but the time is now.  I'm taking on so many changes in my life right now that I need to get back into the blogging groove.

It's been nearly three months since I updated all of you lovelies.  Here it goes...

Hubby finished his retraining for work and finally got back in his lovely blue uniform.  He also started full time and finished his first semester back in school.
Zoe had surgery to remove her dermoid cyst.  Just when we thought the journey was over she got a staph infection inside the incision and she was hospitalized for four days.  This caused me to spend my first night away from Emberlynn.  We rang in New Years in the hospital.

The new year stirred something in me.  I have decided that enough is enough.  It's time to stop just talking, dreaming and wishing for things to change and time to actually start doing something about it.  I decided 2014 will be a year of purpose and improvement.  I started with a challenge to read a chapter of Proverbs a day in January.  I was successful and have carried the challenge on to the rest of the year.  I already have the entire year of Bible reading planned out and am very excited.  I've also been reconnecting with God.  For some time I put a guard up that had no place in my life.  I was so scared of being vulnerable but the consequences are too much.  I've re-devoted my life and am striving to cut out all of the unneeded in my life and focus on him.  I also began The Respect Dare with my Wives of Faith group.  We are over halfway done and the impact is amazing.

Can't believe we are almost two months into the new year.  This has been a month of internal struggle.  Taking on The Respect Dare opened myself up to attacks from Satan.  As you can imagine, Satan does not want to see my relationship with God restored and my family united.  All I have to say is too bad.  While I am still very much a work in progress, I can feel the stirring of the Lord.  After we are done with The Respect Dare next month I plan to go straight into The Love Dare for Parents.  I've been blessed to be able to be a wife, a mother, and to stay at home with my children.  It's time I appreciate those blessings.

I haven't yet decided what kind of blogging schedule I want to follow.  I need to sit down and work some things out.  It feels good to feel like me again but a better me.

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