Tuesday, August 20, 2013

A Footprint in the Sand.

As I walked along the beach this morning collecting sea shells for my toddler, a man passed me.  Once he was past me I happened to focus in on one of the footprints he left behind just before the ocean slipped in and washed it away.  I was suddenly struck with thoughts of how God forgives us.  He sent his son to shed his blood to literally wash our sins away like the ocean washed away that footprint.  Just like the ocean leaves no trace of footprints in the sand, our sins are forgotten.  It is us who keep remaking footprints of sin.  Over and over again God is willing to wash them away and throw them into the sea of forgetfulness.
He does this because he is our father and he loves us.  It is an amazing love.  A love we are without question, undeserving.  It is almost magical in a way but even better since we can choose to make it our reality.  It is our gift to be able to accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior.  It is our responsibility to surrender our sins, worries, fears, struggles, etc. to God.  We must submit ourselves to his plan to enjoy all of the benefits of being a child of God.  It's something I can easily admit I struggle with but I can also easily say that being a child of God is worth the personal struggles.
Today's moment made me realize I have some kinks to work out in myself.  I need to work on my personal relationship with God and getting my priorities in order.  I'm sure this is just the beginning of a journey to improve myself for myself.
I love it when seemingly mundane tasks because marvelous moments of learning and understanding God's love and promises.

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