Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Half a year already?

The day she was born:
And today:

Yes its true.  My baby girl is six months old today.  I just can't believe how fast the time has gone by.  Sometimes it seems like just yesterday she was still squirming around in my belly and other times it feels like she's been a part of our family for ever.  Forever, she will be our first born child.  She made me a mother.  No matter how many more children god blesses us with, she started my motherhood journey.  She is most definitely a blessing from God and we love her dearly.  I look forward to what our lives have in store simply because she is here.


Jessica said...

She is such a pretty little girl!
Time goes so fast! I know you are enjoying every moment.

Danie Nicole said...

Thank you! She is a mess!
It does go by fast, too fast. I'm sure you can relate with your precious little ones.