Thursday, August 14, 2008


right now i completely understand why this person would feel that way. sometimes you want nothing more than to be selfless. you want to be able ignore your problems. you hope that by fixing everyone else, it will fix your life. too bad it doesn't work that way or i'd be in pretty good shape. i've almost always sacrifice myself for others. sometimes i just don't have the energy or the ability. i'm not God...i can't fix everything or everyone. but i'm pretty good at talking people through their problems and making them feel loved. but when i need help, when i'm feeling low...everyone seems to be too busy. well jesse is always there but he has his fair share of issues to deal with. i have a few friends that i can ALWAYS count on but they're so busy. i love them though. and i would be so lost without them. i'm sure many of you can relate...enjoy the postcard.

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