Thursday, April 29, 2010


its been so long since i posted. and i never posted the results to the NT scan. there is a 1 in 10,000 chance of my baby having any of the condition they tested for which is awesome! my next appointment is on monday and i hope to schedule the anatomy scan at that appointment. right now i'm still waiting to feel movement and am so impatient!
hubby has his first drill this weekend since august of 2008. it feels weird to be preparing for drill again. it will be a three day ftx at ft. campbell. it will be so odd to sit alone in church again. oh well. this is the first step to getting back to the normal reserve routine.
sorry for the short update but its all i can think of right now. hope all is well with everyone!

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

Yay glad the results came back ok!