Monday, October 5, 2009

slowly getting back to normal...

all of my family has gone home. they left yesterday morning. that would be why i haven't been online much. plus my big sissy got married this saturday. it was wonderful. we all had an amazing time. but i'm feeling pretty awful. i woke up yesterday feeling like a zombie which i blamed on being out so late in cold weather. well after a two hour nap and a hot shower i still felt icky but i went and ate dinner with my in-laws. i got home and had quite a bit of homework to do and instead i crashed on the couch. woke up at 2am and sent myself to bed. i woke up at 8:30 with the realization that none of my homework is done. i'm still feeling awful. my head is throbbing. i still feel like a zombie. i don't like feeling like this. i really hope i'm not getting sick. but i'm sure i will post pictures from the wedding soon. i am so happy for my sister. her wedding was beautiful, she was beautiful, the reception was exactly what they wanted (a great party). it was a wonderful start to this new chapter of their lives. plus i now have a brother :)

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