Monday, May 25, 2009

memorial day.

today i want to take the time to thank our past and present military for their service and sacrifice. today is memorial day. a day that the government has set aside for the entire nation to pay their respects. but for me the meaning of this holiday is something i experience daily. my husband is currently overseas in iraq. i know what it is like to be the person waiting at home while a loved one is risking his or her life. i am so proud of what my husband is doing and feel honored that God found me worthy to be an army wife. yesterday was truly an honor. every time i would walk up and thank a soldier at church for their service, they would thank me for mine. it was a humbling experience for me. it is super easy for me to put all the focus on hubby. i really don't feel like i am doing anything. hubby's sacrifice and service deserves honor and respect. to me, my service and sacrifice is nothing compared to his. my life is not on the line. i am safely at home, just a little lonely from time to time. the troops are always at the top of my prayer list. so from the bottom of a lonely army wife's heart...thank you for all you have done and will do. you mean more to me than you will ever know.

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