Tuesday, November 18, 2008


so i registered for classes today, i got to start at 10am since its set up by how many hours you have completed. i still didn't get into physics. and i'm hoping i pass anatomy with at least a C or else i have to retake it. one of my classes next semester is online. that will be different. i am taking microbiology (which has a lab), medical vocabulary (my online course), survey of united states history II, research and argumentative writing, and yoga. yes yoga. i have to take a general elective and i figured it wouldn't hurt for me to get involved in some sort of physical activity. it should be interesting. i really am interested in yoga. plus when i move out i plan to buy a treadmill. i love walking on those things and it keeps me awake while i'm reading. plus i can walk and watch tv. i'm excited...i just wish this house hunting was going better. we'll need a cosigner which we're worried about but we'll see what happens.

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